October 31, 2020 – Awoke well rested and ready for another long day of driving. The sky was still dark when I loaded up the car and Gaston and I hit the road toward Nebraska. Another beautiful sunrise this morning. Not quite as striking as yesterday. This time I just took a quick shot while driving.

I got into more of a groove today, having a better feel for coordinating fuel, bathroom, and poochwalking breaks. With about 12 hours of total driving time, I could break for all three tasks about every four hours.
Corn and soy fields as far as the eye can see welcomed us to Nebraska. It is definitely the land of big sky, especially on a sunny clear day like this one.
We made it all the way to St. Joseph tonight but had to cross the river over to Kansas City to find an affordable motel with an available room. Some of the other guests were outside enjoying the warm clear evening. They had a Bullypit puppy (first time I have heard of this breed) who was very friendly and sweet. I was so tired from driving all day that I moved only the bare essentials into the room and went straight to bed. I woke up a couple of times to loud music playing and people enjoying their Friday night.
Eight states traveled so far:
Tomorrow we should make through a few more, ending in Georgia.
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