What I Need and What I Don’t Need

I have to face it. I am a terrible blogger. I am not one for resolutions, but it’s time. I hereby resolve to become a better blogger. Starting now.

I picked up my new expedition kayak from NC Kayaks in Tacoma. Doug, Travis, and Mike were easy to work with, accommodating my special customization requests.

The copper colored hull was a big challenge to do because of the extremely narrow aft hull. The gel coat has to be applied by brush and the cooper gel coat streaks if brushed on. So I have these cool feather lines in the last foot or so of the hull.

Tomorrow I will take it to Neah Bay for its baptism. Next year I will paddle over 1,000 miles in this kayak. This year it and I will become best friends.

When I did the shakedown trip this past June, I learned what I need and what I don’t need, and this boat is on the former list. It feels great to check it off the list. A satellite hotspot and tablet with foldable keyboard are next on the list; those will be useful tools in becoming a better blogger.

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