A Lovely Fishing Village

June 22, 2019 – Today I awoke to the humpback whales still spouting and showing me flukes. I took that as a sign hat it was going to be a great paddle day.

BABS and I paddled out of Grenville Channel into a maelstrom of waves and wind. I’m getting better at finding the eddies when going against the current so we made pretty good time. I paddled over 18 miles today, ending in Hartley Bay. I’ve been following Dennis Dwyer (Inside Passage guru), and he published the GPS coordinates for his camp sites on two of his IP trips. One of them had Hartley Bay in it. I think I actually stumbled across it when I was looking for towns along my route, but had forgotten about it in context to Dwyer’s GPS list.

The Gitk’a’ata fishermen in the harbor were kind and told me I could camp wherever I wanted. One suggested I camp in the covered picnic area behind the longhouse which is where I am right now, sitting at a picnic table, looking out at streetlights. Don’t be fooled though – there are no cars here. Many little ATVs. No roads – all wood boardwalks. It’s fantastic. There is a large gym where young folks are practicing basketball. There is a community garden complete with hoophouse. It’s raining and I am under cover. Happy. Tired.

By the way, it’s been eight days since my last blogs were published because I was counting on my satellite hub to work. It hasn’t for a number of reasons. FYI, I am cancelling the outrageous service plan starting July 1st and will try to sell the thing when I am back home. This means that it may be another week or so before I publish more posts. After that I’ll be in areas of Canada and the US, such as where I am now, that have cell service and I can use that as my wifi. And even with AT&T’s crappy international plan it will still be cheaper. Know that I am still writing one each day and will publish them each time I get a signal. It is taking some getting used to doing this on a tablet. Almost my whole adult life I have journaled at the end of the day but that has always been written. Since I can type faster than I can write, and it’s a boatload more ledgible, I think I may continue with this method even after this journey is over.

Alright. Bed time. Thanks to all for the thoughts, prayers, well wishes, encouragment, and love. It is working.

Hartley Bay

4 responses to “A Lovely Fishing Village”

  1. Started our day reading your posts with great eagerness! Now I need to go back and read each again slowly. Have no idea if you are getting my comments but will keep them coming. Trying to get on the last time I used google to vouchsafe the message-then my phone dropped my gmail address and won’t accept it again. It’s all a mystery! All I can say for sure is that we are SO glad to hear from you! Be strong, ageless, and capable and high hopes for keeping that sleeping bag dry! Sending our LOVE, C&G
    PS-not sure this is needed or helpful, but we have used my iphone as a hotspot when getting AT&T reception, in NZ.

    1. Hi Carol, your comments are coming through now thankfully. I am using my iPhone right now as a hotspot to publish. From this point south there should be more places where I get a signal so it might not be as long between posts.

  2. Glad to see you back on water and continuing your journey. This trip is all yours to make and adjust with no guilt. Extra stops are okay. Detours and change of plans are okay. The jouney will be even more exciting when it’s not scripted. Sending good thoughts of peace with the flow of life what ever it brings. You are already incredible for just attempting what you’ve already done my friend. Onward, wether it be on land or sea!

  3. Carola Tossetti Avatar
    Carola Tossetti

    We are with you in spirit, every stroke of your paddle!! Your journal entries
    are among the highlights of Summer2019!!

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