Reunited and It Feels So Good

July 2, 2019 – I am in Port Hardy, in a motel room, and my pup is right where he always is when it’s night and we’re together, and my wonderful uncle is here. It is good to have my boys with me. Tomorrow we will sleep in, then head out to pick up marine supplies and fresh groceries. The check engine light is on in the Saab so we’ll need to get that looked at tomorrow as well. We will get to see how Canada does with Swedish cars.

I started the day off with a nice long bird walk. 21 species. I am now the third top birder of all time in Klemtu. There aren’t many of us but over the past five years folks have logged 78 species of birds in Klemtu. While I was up on the hill north of town overlooking the water, I saw a small humpback whale and a handful of white-sided dolphins. I also had quite the meeting with a mink on the road. A great morning for wildlife.

After lunch, John from Spirit Bear Lodge helped me load BABS and my gear into the truck and dropped me off at the ferry terminal. BC Ferries ferries are very new and nice. Shiny and modern. The Northern Expedition was my ride to Port Hardy. I highly recommend BC Ferries. Of course, I highly recommend taking any and every ferry. I just love ferries. There you have it.

155 miles from Klemtu to Port Hardy on the ferry. Now I am caught up on miles. Feels good.

Barn Swallows
My new mink friend.
View back toward Klemtu from ferry.
My fluffball.

4 responses to “Reunited and It Feels So Good”

  1. Happy to hear you’re reunited with your pup! We just saw a small humpback around the corner from the lodge and wonder if it’s the same one you saw. Another magical day here. Although we miss you! Meeting you is up there on our Klemtu highlights. We’ll be following your trip with interest.

    1. Way cool. Hope your trip with the girls was great!

  2. Kyleen – I just finished reading all your blogs. Your adventure has been so amazing, just the way I have envisioned it would be for you. You’re an amazing person and i’m so proud of your accomplishments on your journey. Say HI to Uncle Sidney and give your bed partner a hug for me. Can’t wait to see whats next. All my Love Renee PS – Glad you’re healing fast and Babs is back in cruising mode,

    1. So glad you are coming along the journey with me Little Buddy? Love, Kyleen

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