No Rum Island and No Rum, What’s a Girl to Do? Why Thai Delivery of Course.

July 22, 2019 – I got on the water early. It was nice. Right after I got on the water it got windier and windier. It still was nice. Samsun Narrows was beautiful. I admired Nancy’s backyard playground. Gorgeous and smooth. It was an easy 13 mile paddle down to Cherry Point. I say “easy” in that the wind waves I had are now pretty basic. Not cocky or anything, just not as big as I’ve had so no fear of that level of lumpiness. Yet, at the same time, they were big enough for me to not want to cross the channel with lots of ferries and other boats going across to continue on to Rum or Orcas Islands.

After dropping off nieces after wet exit training, Nancy came and picked me up and drove me to the peninsula from which I will launch east. By the time we got there, it was a good 5-10 knot winds still. The forecast called for calm tomorrow morning so, with Nancy’s support, I opted to camp here in Sidney tonight and launch in the morning.

We set about looking for a camping spot near or on a beach. As we drove along the east side of the peninsula we came to the Capitol City Yacht Club, and Nancy suggested we see if I could get them to let me camp there. Being a “rule follower” I was initially unsure, but what the heck. We drove in and found someone who looked somewhat official. His name is Jim and he was at one time the Commodore. He found that job to be too much responsibility and is now just a member, but still a watchdog to make sure no one takes advantage of his club. I told him about my journey and that I needed a place to camp from which I could launch tomorrow. He was instantly sympathetic. He tried calling all of the current volunteer “officers in charge” and couldn’t reach anyone but left messages. After that, he gave me the electronic badge and said I was officially a “reciprocal yachter”. I hope Ginni and Henrick don’t mind that Slow Boat Yacht Club has now a reciprocal relationship with this yacht club, lol.

I am so very much hoping it is calm enough for me to launch and paddle to Orcas tomorrow. I am ready to paddle the San Juan Islands. I have wanted to do this for years.

I am also a little sad to be leaving BC. I wouldn’t mind staying here longer for a number of reasons. For the past many days I have had a growing sense of feeling more and more done. After all, I am technically nearing the southern end of the Inside Passage. I am seeing different ways of doing the next segments on the Straits and open seas south of Cape Flattery. For now, I am being present here where I am and will focus on that as I get to that part of the journey. Getting to Roger’s place on Orcas, that is the current goal. Then the rest will come to me.

In the meantime, I could pull out my kayaker camp stove, rehydrate and cook something here on the yacht club’s lawn. But why when there is Thai food delivery? Oh ya! Takes care of supper tonight, breakfast, and lunch tomorrow. Don’t need to pull out stuff and make a commotion for the club. At least that’s my justification and I am sticking to it. It doesn’t fit the image you might have of me roughing it, but I do want to be as noninvasive as possible to make a good impression. I am grateful to Jim and the yacht club for the safe harbor. This place is right in line with where I need to launch in the most direct line to Roger’s, about 25 miles away. I have had a couple of sideways glares from a couple of folks here. Initially it raised my people-pleasing alert system, but then I just carried on being me. That’s really all I can do.

Nancy, I will be back and you and I are going to see things. Then you are going to come down to the lower Columbia and we will see things. You are one of the reasons I was meant to do this journey. You are marvelous.

Samsun Narrows
Maple Bay – Where Nancy’s kayak company is and is the launch for her backyard playground. So envious.
Me and my new and cherished friend, Nancy – oh and BABS too – at the Capitol City Yacht Club.

6 responses to “No Rum Island and No Rum, What’s a Girl to Do? Why Thai Delivery of Course.”

  1. Great picture of you.

  2. Kindred Spirit of the sea…
    As I left you beneath the old oak tree
    It was very clear to me
    Your roots are not just grounded on the land but
    Reaching way out to the sea
    Just like me.
    Paddle safe my friend.
    Till we meet again….

  3. Richard Erickson Avatar
    Richard Erickson

    Just a quick note, you are doing great, you had a moment but broke through it! Good job Gal. Joan and I are following every one of your adventures. Your journal is so well written that we feel right there with you. Beautiful country, beautiful people, beautiful adventures it just doesn’t get any better than that.

    Over half way, you are on the downhill leg now! Lov ya


  4. Kindred Spirit of the Sea
    As I left you you under the old oak tree
    It was very clear to me
    Your roots were not just grounded in the land but
    also reaching far out to the sea
    ….Just like me.
    Paddle safe my friend.
    Till we meet again….
    Nancy and Kaya

  5. Such cool and beautiful present and future memories.
    Will talk about your journey at Renee’s today.

  6. Emily Winstrom Avatar
    Emily Winstrom

    Lee and I share excitement each day we see an entry from you!!! Just shared your adventure with our friend Ann, here in Chicago area, and she’s joining us in following your amazing journey.

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